Clydesdale Harriers


Minutes of Meeting of AGM


26th April 2019


The Hub Clydebank 6:30 pm




  1. Attendance – per sederunt attached


P Rudzinski, J Wright, W Jones, P McCrossan, R Paxton, E Paxton, J Hanratty.



P Dolan, S McKee, E McKee.


  1. Minutes of previous Meeting


The minutes were read and accepted as correct, moved by P McCrossan and seconded by W Jones.


  1. Matters Arising




  1. Financial statement from treasurer


Accounts for the month ending 31 March 2019 were read by J Wright these were accepted by W Jones and seconded by P McCrossan.


Accounts for the year ending 31 March 2019 were read by J Wright, these were accepted by W Jones and seconded by J Hanratty.



  1. Chairman’s remarks


The president thanked all those who assist in the running of the club. Too many to mention individually. The club had been successful in the C&SSL this year, winning the league and gaining promotion back to Division 2 for next year. There was, however, an ongoing issue of a lack of members in all age groups who were willing to compete in this event. This lack of numbers competing was replicated also in all of the cross

country championships held throughout the year. It was also a worrying trend that we are finding it increasingly more difficult to attract new senior members. Indeed, we have had numerous new faces joining us for come and try sessions, but most of them never come back after one session.




  1. Election of office bearers


Office Elected    
President P Rudzinski    

Vice president


S McKee




J Hanratty




J Wright


Club captain


I Roberson


Ladies captain


P McCrossan


Parents Rep


R Paxton


Child welfare officer


H Abbot


Media officer








General committee


Watson Jones

Christine Duncanson

Pamela McCrossan

Emily Paxton






  1. AOCB