Clydesdale Harriers Committee Meeting


Friday 17thth March 2023 – Minutes

Clydebank Leisure Centre 7.00 p.m.


  1. Attendance. P.Rudzinski, J.Wright, D.Rothin, N.Armstrong, W.Jones , R.Paxton, E.Paxton.
  2. Apologies. G.Kennedy., J.Hanratty, P.McCrossan ,


  1. Minutes of previous Meeting. The minutes were read and accepted as correct, moved by J.Wright and seconded by P.R.


  1. Matters Arising. A. Website Revamp. We now have a problem with Clubbbuzz who host our website – we cannot access the website. We are trying to contact them via their helpdesk -so far unsuccessfully. At the moment we effectively do not have a website for members and visitors to access!
    1. John Hume memorial trophy will be used by the junior section and awarded for a yet to be decided category. JW to pursue the purchase of club jackets for the juniors – using Walters of Clydebank.


  1. Correspondence. All dealt with via e-mail.
  2. Treasurer’s Report. Report for February read by JW and approved by WJ and DR. JW noted a difficulty with presenting the monthly Puttnam cheque to our new account with B.O.S.


  1. Junior Section. YDL and CSSL leagues will be commencing soon and Robert/Jim are hoping to organise a social event to help to integrate new recruits.


  1. OCB – 1. DAAA 5K track champs on 25th Agreed to ask DAAA for £100 for use of track. 2. Discussion on use of container at track – can we tidy it up at least.3. JW reported a donation of £500 from Mary Black who was a past member of Clydebank Swimming Club and who had known a number of our older members from our time using the baths.4. JW reported that he had sent in a grant application to the WDC Sports Council to cover the cost of track & field equipment. 5. PR suggested that there is no pressing need to have a meeting every month, so we decided to change the timetable to every 2nd month. To be kept under review.



  1. Date of Next Meeting. Friday 17th May 2023.