Clydesdale Harriers Committee Meeting
Friday 19th May 2023 – Minutes
Clydebank Leisure Centre 7.00 p.m.
- Attendance. P.Rudzinski, J.Wright, D.Rothin, G.Kennedy.
- Apologies. Hanratty, P.McCrossan , W.Jones , R.Paxton, E.Paxton. S.McKee, W.Rooney.
- Minutes of previous Meeting. The minutes were read and accepted as correct, moved by J.Wright and seconded byD.R.
- Matters Arising. A. Website Revamp. A completely new website has to be created from scratch. This will be done by Gerry’s I.T, guy and the cost will be met by Gerry. Ongoing maintenance will be subsidised by Gerry and the site will be maintained and updated by Gerry’s guy.
- Correspondence. John Hanratty to attend AGM of WD Club Sports group. Letter received from Nicola Armstrong with her notice of resignation from the club.
- Treasurer’s Report. Reports for March and April read by JW and approved by GK and DR.
- Junior Section. Numbers are increasing at a steady rate.
- OCB – 1. DAAA 5K Track champs. P.R. reported on the difficulties encountered on the night and suggested that any future running of this event cannot be allowed to take place on our training night as there was too much disruption to our athletes routines. 2. J.W. provided a spreadsheet of our income and expenditure to date for the let of the track. Overall we are in a healthy financial position due to the income from Garscube Harriers.
- Date of Next Meeting. Friday 21st July 2023.