Clydesdale Harriers


Minutes of Meeting of AGM


27th May 2022


Clydebank Leisure Centre 7.00 pm




  1. Attendance – per sederunt attached


P Rudzinski, J Wright, W Jones, P McCrossan, R Paxton, E Paxton, J Hanratty, D Mitchell, G Kennedy, G Cairney, N Armstrong, L,Kerrigan, S McKee, W Rooney, D Rothin.



P Dolan, G Wiseman.


  1. Minutes of previous Meeting


The minutes were read and accepted as correct, moved by P McCrossan and seconded by J Hanratty.


  1. Matters Arising




  1. Financial statement from treasurer


Accounts for the years ending 31 March 2020, 2021 and 2022 were read and explained by J Wright. These were accepted by W Jones and seconded by S McKee. It was explained that monthly accounts had been emailed to committee members during the pandemic when we were not having meetings. It was also noted that our financial health had not changed significantly during the pandemic, with a corresponding lack of spend to compensate for the lack of income.



  1. Chairman’s remarks


The president all those in attendance – it was the highest attendance for many years! Those new members who were attending were particularly welcome.

In general, the pandemic had caused us many problems, not the least of which was the failure of so many of our regular seniors to return to the club when we became operational following the restrictions in our training regimes. The same applies to our junior section with many youngsters apparently now lost to us. It was also a worrying trend that we are finding it increasingly more difficult to attract new senior members. Indeed, we have had numerous new faces joining us for come and try sessions, but most of them never come back after one session.

However, the attendance on the night at least indicated that there is still some enthusiasm to get back to previous levels.



  1. Election of office bearers
  2. All below were elected unanimously.


Office Elected    
President P Rudzinski    

Vice president


S McKee




J Hanratty




J Wright


Club captain


I Roberson


Ladies captain


N Armstrong


Parents Rep


R Paxton, E Paxton


Child welfare officer


J Wright      










General committee


Watson Jones

P McCrossan

G Kennedy

W Rooney

G Cairney

D Mitchell

L Kerrigan

D Rothin







  1. AOCB


Club Website. It was generally agreed that we need to get some work done to keep the website up to date and relevant. G Kennedy agreed to provide some assistance with this by utilising his “IT” guy. A meeting to be arranged with PR and GK and the IT guy to see what can be done.


First Aid courses. J Wright was looking for names of coaches/officials who required to attend this training. Jim to co-ordinate dates with the training providers.


Trophy Insurance. J Wright explained the situation with how we store these trophies. His advice was to cease payment of trophy insurance, but also to ringfence £1K per year in a separate fund to build up a sum to replace any trophies should that be necessary due to unforeseen circumstances. This way the annual cost of trophy insurance would not be a drain on our resources. I.E. Trophy insurance has cost us roughly £20K in the last 25 years – so if we don’t pay this amount, we still have it in reserve for emergency replacements.


Clydebank Schools contact. P Dolan had advised me that his intention is to visit all of the local schools with a view to recruitment of juniors. In order to encourage this process, he would offer the schools either a track meeting or cross country event as a come and try session. This would not be done until after the school summer holidays.


Annual Subscriptions. We have not collected subscriptions for the last 2 financial years. It was agreed to re-introduce the annual fees, with no increase. The fees would become due from 1st September 2022.


Advertising. There was a discussion on the best method of advertising the club. It was agreed that J Hanratty would post an invitation on the facebook page of local forums. We would also look at providing flyers to be handed out to unattached runners at local events.


Next meeting. Friday 17th June.