Clydesdale Harriers AGM


Friday 15th September 2023 – Minutes

Clydebank Leisure Centre 7.00 p.m.


1.     Attendance. P.Rudzinski, J.Wright, D.Rothin, G.Kennedy, W.Jones, D.Mitchell. P.McCrossan, S.McKee

2.      Apologies, E.Paxton, W.Rooney. J.Hanratty, R.Paxton, I.Robertson, B.McAusland.


3.     Minutes of previous Meeting. The minutes were read and accepted as correct, moved by J.Wright and seconded by G.K.


4.     Matters Arising. All on the agenda.


5.     Treasurer’s Report. Monthly reports for July and August read by JW and approved by GK and WJ. The annual report for year ending 31st March 2023 was also presented and approved by GK and WJ.


6.     Chairmans remarks.PR read out a statement provided by R. Paxton re the achievements of the junior members during the past year. Numbers had increased significantly and much success had been gained in the Highland Games events throughout the summer. P.Dolan had also provided an update on the relative successes of various track league teams which was to be commended considering we were relying on other clubs to provide us with cover in some events. Unfortunately we continued to lose senior members, some of whom have joined other local clubs.


7.     Election of Office Bearers.The following persons were nominated, seconded and appointed without the requirement for any votes :-


President – P.Rudzinski, proposed/seconded by WJ/DM

Vice President – no nominations

Secretary – J.Hanratty, PR/JW

Assistant Secretary – no nominations

Treasurer – J.Wright , PR/PMcC

Mens Captain -I.Robertson, PR/JW

Ladies Captain – E.Paxton, PR/PMcC

Social Secretary – No nominations

Junior Section Reps – E.Paxton, R.Paxton, PR/JW

Media Officer/Website Liaison – To be decided

Child Welfare Officer – E.Paxton, PR/JW

General Committee – W.Jones, D.Rothin, P.McCrossan, D.Mitchell, S.McKee, G.Kennedy. PR./JW



8.     Website development. GK gave an outline of the new website which was up and running. We now need to ensure that all members register with the website so that they can be kept informed of anything happening in the club. We also need to appoint a liaison officer who will provide updates for the news section of the club to the website administrator.    


9.     OCB. Both Brian McAusland and Phil Dolan had requested that we as a club should be looking at resurrecting the open races which we previously promoted ; The Dunky Wright Race and the Jock Semple road relay race. This was discussed at length with pros and cons being considered. The outcome of the debate was that the club is not in a position at this time to organise such events due to a general lack of resources available in the club. We may consider this at some point in the future.



10. Date of Next Meeting. Friday 17th November 2023.