Clydesdale Harriers Committee Meeting
Friday 20th January 2023 – Minutes
Clydebank Leisure Centre 7.00 p.m.
- Attendance. P.Rudzinski, J.Wright, D.Rothin, P.McCrossan.
- Apologies. D.Mitchell, G.Kennedy. N.Armstrong, W.Jones , J.Hanratty, R.Paxton, E.Paxton, W.Rooney,
- Minutes of previous Meeting. The minutes were read and accepted as correct, moved by J.Wright and seconded by D.Rothin.
- Matters Arising. A. Website Revamp. Still ongoing. Friday 27th January arranged for a tidy-up discussion.
- Digital Banking. Log-ins and passswords have been provided for the 4 signatories. Still to transfer money to the new account. Clydebank Municipal Bank account has been closed.
- PVG renewals. Certificates have now been issued to those who provided the relevant documentation.
- Correspondence. All dealt with via e-mail. Discussion on proposed new track league – we are not for joining.
- Treasurer’s Report. Reports for November and December read by JW and approved by P.McC and DR. Payments from Garscube for track use are now up-to-date.
- Junior Section. Numbers are now stabilising. Numbers participating at the indoor league were very disappointing considering the cost incurred.
- OCB. 1. Honorary Life Members list is now up-to-date, maintained by JW. 2. The sister of John Hume has requested that we procure a trophy to be awarded in his name – agreed. PR to liaise with John’s sister. 3. Brian Gallagher was given the guaranteed entry place for the London Marathon as he was the only person to apply for it.
- Date of Next Meeting. Friday 17th February 2023.