Clydesdale Harriers Committee Meeting
Friday 18th November 2022 – Minutes
Clydebank Leisure Centre 7.00 p.m.
- Attendance. P.Rudzinski, J.Wright, , N.Armstrong, , W.Jones. D.Rothin, J.Hanratty, W.Rooney, P.McCrossan, R.Paxton, E.Paxton
- Apologies. D.Mitchell, G.Kennedy.
- Minutes of previous Meeting. The minutes were read and accepted as correct, moved by J.Wright and seconded by D.Rothin.
- Matters Arising. A. Website Revamp. Still ongoing. G.Kennedy to arrange a suitable date to meet with Kriss to tidy up the various pages which require updating.
- Digital Banking. This is still a work in progress – to switch from RBOS to BOS. It was noted that The Clydebank Municipal Bank was closing so we require to extract the funds we hold in this bank.
- PVG renewals. Several members supplied JW with the appropriate documentation so that further progress can be made. JW informed that safeguarding modules will have to be completed by individuals on the new portal.
- Club Kit. There was a proposal that the Tommy Arthur Fund should be used to purchase club kit and then members would re-imburse the club for any kit taken.
- Correspondence. All dealt with via e-mail.
- Treasurer’s Report. Reports for October read by J.W., approved by JH and WJ.
- Junior Section. Numbers are now stabilising. We have entered 7 teams for the forthcoming Indoor League.
- OCB. 1. JW to ask B.McA. for clarification of who are our Honorary Life Members. 2. We have now re-affiliated to the WDC Sports Council. 3. Hannah Cup XC race to take place on Saturday 14thJanuary at Dalmuir Recreation Grounds.
- Date of Next Meeting. No meeting in December – so Friday 20th January 2023.